Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hello From 30,000 Feet

Hello there from 30,000 feet. Our airplane has free wi-fi so I thought I would try to stay up to speed a bit on the old blog. Trying to have better blogging habits to see if there is any chance of keeping the world informed of the goings on of Oliver when he arrives. Well, we shall see. Right now we are flying to California to visit with family and friends and have a baby shower out there. It has been so strange to be away from so many people that are so important to me through pregnancy. I just had to come out, I couldn't imagine just showing up this Christmas with some magical baby that came from nowhere. This whole pregnancy thing has been such an event in my life, I just had to come and share it with my grandparents and oldest friends.

I have hit 30 weeks today so now we slide down hill toward really getting Oliver here. He is busy in there, constantly moving around, getting the hiccups and so on. The last couple of weeks have been challenging for me with new back pains. Mostly bad sciatic pain which has been so not fun. I have a whole lot of new sympathy for people living with chronic back pain. It is so cruel to have every step be painful.

Well, I was going to add photos to this post from my baby shower in Celo but I already attached them all once on this flight and had a really great post all finished and then lost the whole thing so I will wait until I land and have some time soon to add these photos. I will add just a couple though of Gabriel putting Oliver's crib together and some baby knitting that has been going on. Finally the little man is getting some knit wear!

putting the crib together
crazy baby knitting

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